any one (_)

The any one operator _ is a path operator that is used to specify any one possible node in a path.


The syntax of _ is as follows:

nodei/_ -> _/nodej

Any one operator _ must be used in a path.


The any one path operator _ can only be used in goal section.


A path contains one or more any one operators (_) is considered by Cyclone as long as a node in a graph can form a valid path. Given a path condition: Sx->_->Sy, the node picked between Sx and Sy depends on the solver and the connections between Sx and Sy(see the following graph). Any one operator means that it could be any one of these nodes: S0,...,Si,Si+1,Si+2,...Sn.

Hence, the above path condition is equivalent to the following compound path condition:

Sx->S0->Sy || Sx->Si->Sy || ... ||Sx->Sn->Sy



A path has length of 2, and must have node S1 in the middle.


A path has length of 3, and must begin and end with node S1.


@2020-2022 Hao Wu. All rights reserved. Last update: January 29, 2022