The check statement specifies Cyclone to discover a single path that meets path conditions.
check (for|each) INT[,INT]*[condition(<PathCondition>)][reach (<Nodes>)]
A list of integers (separated by a comma) can be specified with for or each statement. Each integer here indicates the length of a path and this integer must be an integer that is greater or equal to 1. In a check statement, both condition and reach statements are optional.
Here is an example:check for 5
It asks Cyclone to discover a path that has a length of 5.
The check statement can only appear in the goal section. A Cyclone specification cannot have more than one check statements.
The check statement issues a query to Cyclone's compiler to discover a path p (with a length k) that provably meets the set of path conditions defined over this p.
Compare to the enumerate statement, the check statement can quickly decide whether a graph has such path p or not. You can use the check statement in the following two ways:check for 12 condition ((S5->S6->S7)^{3}) reach (S0,S3,S7)
The above check statement asks Cyclone whether current graph has a path p that has a length of 12 and reaches one of the nodes (S0,S3,S7) with one path condition that S5->S6->S7 must appear exactly three times in p.
check for 4,7,8,10,3 condition (S0->S1->S2) reach (S1)
The above check statement asks Cyclone to decide if there exists one path p with one of the lengths (4,7,8,10,3) that goes through S0->S1->S2 and reaches node S1.
check each 4,7,8,10,3 condition (S0->S1->S2) reach (S1)
The above check statement asks Cyclone to decide 5 paths individually with specified path lengths (4,7,8,10,3) that can go through S0->S1->S2 and reach node S1.
@2020-2022 Hao Wu. All rights reserved. Last update: January 29, 2022