
The check statement specifies Cyclone to discover a single path that meets path conditions.


The syntax of a check statement is as follows:


check (for|each) INT[,INT]*[condition(<PathCondition>)][reach (<Nodes>)]


A list of integers (separated by a comma) can be specified with for or each statement. Each integer here indicates the length of a path and this integer must be an integer that is greater or equal to 1. In a check statement, both condition and reach statements are optional.

Here is an example:

check for 5

It asks Cyclone to discover a path that has a length of 5.


The check statement can only appear in the goal section. A Cyclone specification cannot have more than one check statements.


The check statement issues a query to Cyclone's compiler to discover a path p (with a length k) that provably meets the set of path conditions defined over this p.

Compare to the enumerate statement, the check statement can quickly decide whether a graph has such path p or not. You can use the check statement in the following two ways:

  • When the for statement specifies a list of path lengths (each path length is separated by a comma), the compiler generates multiple conditions for every specified path length (in the list), combines them into a single condition and performs one check. Hence, it is also referred as combo mode in Cyclone. If there exists at least one path (with specified path length in the list) meets defined path conditions, the compiler will return a solution. Typically, the compiler returns any one of the valid paths if there are many. Hence, it is particularly useful for scenarios that you are not sure if there exists a valid path p with multiple different path lengths.
  • When the each statement is used to include a list of path lengths, the compiler generates multiple conditions for every specified path length (in the list) and performs a check individually for each specified path length. Thus, the compiler returns a path p for each specified path length that meets path conditions. This kind of checks is referred as separation mode in Cyclone. This is useful for scenarios that you would like to know individually whether a path with a particular length (from the list) is valid or not. Compare to combo mode, this is slightly more expensive since the compiler performs individual check for every specified path length.
  • Examples

    check for 12 condition ((S5->S6->S7)^{3}) reach (S0,S3,S7)

    The above check statement asks Cyclone whether current graph has a path p that has a length of 12 and reaches one of the nodes (S0,S3,S7) with one path condition that S5->S6->S7 must appear exactly three times in p.

    check for 4,7,8,10,3 condition (S0->S1->S2) reach (S1)

    The above check statement asks Cyclone to decide if there exists one path p with one of the lengths (4,7,8,10,3) that goes through S0->S1->S2 and reaches node S1.

    check each 4,7,8,10,3 condition (S0->S1->S2) reach (S1)

    The above check statement asks Cyclone to decide 5 paths individually with specified path lengths (4,7,8,10,3) that can go through S0->S1->S2 and reach node S1.


    @2020-2022 Hao Wu. All rights reserved. Last update: January 29, 2022