Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department,
Eolas Building, Maynooth University.

Room 135

CV GitHub


My research aims to create automated software and tools for solving challenging problems in software engineering domain. Currently, I like developing new languages and tools for verifying/testing graph/state-based models. In general, I have strong interests in formal methods, programming languages design, program synthesis, relational database and software testing. Many our work is based on using SAT/SMT solvers , those super well-engineered solvers that make it easier to create fully automated tools for program verification, model reasoning and more .


October,2024 One paper about Challenges in Autonomous Robotic System Verification is accpeted by iFM PhD Symposium.
September,2024 Our paper about Job Scheduling in Hybrid Clouds is accepted by Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
August,2024 Our paper about verifying OCL string data types is accepted by MoDeVVa 2024.
July,2024 Our paper about ArchiMate-value is accepted by CBI 2024.
July,2024 Our paper about Cyclone (Tool) is accepted by TAP 2024.
June,2024 Prof.Dominique Mery vistied me at MIEC-FZU.
April,2024 I visited Prof.Dominique Mery at LORIA/INIRA/Telecom Nancy.
March,2024 I have been awarded France Excellence-NUI Research Residency grant.
Feb,2024 One PhD position about cyber security, click here for information about how to apply and the project description (See project titled SAFE: A Formal Verification Framework for Detecting Cyber Security Issues in Safety Critical Software).
Jan,2024 happy new year, check out our new release of Cyclone (1.08.848) here.

I am always looking for highly motivated students (PhD) with strong programming and mathematical skills. If you are interested in my research area, please get in touch with me.

Current PhD Students

Current MSc Students

Research Interns

Past Students


I am a member of Principles of Programming (POP) research group within the department and Enterprise Architecture Cluster lead at Innovation Value Institute (IVI). I am also affiliated with Hamilton Institute.


Service (internal)

Service (external)

@2020-2024 Hao Wu. All rights reserved. Last update:October, 2024