Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department,
Eolas Building, Maynooth University.
Room 135
My research aims to create automated software and tools for solving challenging problems in software engineering domain. Currently, I like developing new languages and tools for verifying/testing graph/state-based models. In general, I have strong interests in formal methods, programming languages design, program synthesis, relational database and software testing. Many our work is based on using SAT/SMT solvers , those super well-engineered solvers that make it easier to create fully automated tools for program verification, model reasoning and more .
August,2024 | Our paper about verifying OCL string data types is accepted by MoDeVVa 2024. |
July,2024 | Our paper about ArchiMate-value is accepted by CBI2024. |
July,2024 | Our paper about Cyclone (Tool) is accepted by TAP2024. |
June,2024 | Prof.Dominique Mery vistied me at MIEC-FZU. |
April,2024 | I visited Prof.Dominique Mery at LORIA/INIRA/Telecom Nancy. |
March,2024 | I have been awarded France Excellence-NUI Research Residency grant. |
Feb,2024 | One PhD position about cyber security, click here for information about how to apply and the project description (See project titled SAFE: A Formal Verification Framework for Detecting Cyber Security Issues in Safety Critical Software). |
Jan,2024 | happy new year, check out our new release of Cyclone (1.08.848) here. |
I am always looking for highly motivated students (PhD) with strong programming and mathematical skills. If you are interested in my research areas, please get in touch with me.
@2020-2024 Hao Wu. All rights reserved. Last update:August, 2024