Chapter 2: Exercise (1)

  • Second Solution

Use Cyclone to find the second solution to the defuse bomb problem. Hint: you need to use path conditions to eliminate non-meaningful actions such as Fill Jug1 -> Empty Jug1 -> Fill Jug1.


  • Verifying Programs

Use Cyclone to prove the validity of the following programs (don't forget you need to specify a loop invariant). In all programs below, the variables type are integers.

// Program 1

[x >=0]

a = x;

y = 0;

while (a!=0){

y = y + 1;

a = a - 1;


[x = y]

The precondition here is x>=0 and postcondition here is x=y

// Program 2

[y=y0 ∧ y >=0]

z = 0;

while (y!=0){

z = z + x;

y = y - 1;


[z = x * y0]

The precondition here is y=y0 ∧ y >=0; and postcondition here is z = x * y0

// Program 3


y = 0;

while (y!=x){

y = y + 1;


[x = y]

The precondition here is x>=0 and postcondition here is x = y


@2020-2022 Hao Wu. All rights reserved. Last update: January 29, 2022